According to minutes from a September 12, 2008 custody hearing, a Superior Court judge ruled that Stone's ex-husband Phil Bronstein "shall have permanent sole physical custody" of the child because the former newspaper editor was found able to "provide a more structured continuity, stable, secure and consistent home that...Roan needs." and "The court does not find that (a) move away is in child's best interest," say the minutes.
The order has been made permanent, unless Stone relocates to San Francisco, where Bronstein and now Roan reside, or if Bronstein moves away from the Bay Area.
On February 14, 1998, Stone married Phil Bronstein, executive editor of the San Francisco Examiner and later San Francisco Chronicle. Stone and Bronstein were divorced in January 2004, after he had suffered a severe heart attack. The couple adopted Roan in 2004. Stone has two other adopted boys, Laird and Quinn.
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