Harrison Ford returns to again give life to Indiana Jones, an archaeologist with a tendency to find danger, as well as artifacts.
When asked if Harrison Ford was too old to return as Indy, producer Frank Marshall quoted Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981): "It's not the years, it's the mileage." He explained that it would be interesting to see Indy in a different decade, and deal with all kinds of new and interesting things. The age also adds to Indy as a fallible and therefore believable character.
To prepare for the role, the 64-year-old Ford spent three hours a day at a gym, and relied on a high-protein diet of fish and vegetables.
The story of The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is reassuringly chaotic.
The newest adventure begins in the desert Southwest in 1957 at the height of the Cold War.
This fantastic Steven Spielberg adventure is a marvelous return to form for Professor Henry Jones Jr. There are Mayan riddles to solve, KGB agents to biff, and one of the greatest - and longest - action chases through the Amazon jungle in the history of cinema.
One of the film's best assets is its sense of humor.
To distract investigative fans from the film's title during filming, five fake titles were registered with the Motion Picture Association of America; The City of Gods, The Destroyer of Worlds, The Fourth Corner of the Earth, The Lost City of Gold and The Quest for the Covenant.
Shia LaBeouf revealed the movie's official title during his appearance at the MTV Video Music Awards 2007
Rated PG-13 for adventure violence and scary images.
The Motion Picture Association of America
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